Monthly Archives: December 2017

Happy Birthday to me…Getting old isn’t funny….or is it??!!

Well, today I turn 49.

Wow! Such a simple sentence and yet it strikes panic in my heart and soul!!

I am almost FIFTY!!! What the heck??? Wasn’t I a fun-loving, care-free, no responsibilities (well, maybe a few responsibilities), let’s-stay-up-all-night, I-can-eat-anything teenager just yesterday??? Geez, it feels surreal to say that I’m almost a half century old (oh, yeah..THAT phrase makes it feel sssooo much better *facepalm*). Well, I think I’m still fun-loving, so one out of five ain’t bad.

Honestly, I didn’t believe that I would make it this far. Being diagnosed at 29 with breast cancer and surviving, I wrestled with the notion, for many years, that it would come back and take me out. It still could but for now…I choose to live my life to the fullest and not allow the fear that has held me down for many years to mandate my life.

Now, I have had this little piece of the interwebs for quite some time now. Unfortunately, I killed the love fern. (movie quote, look it up) I have disappointed myself and others with neglecting this site. Mainly because of fear. (that emotion is a pesky little bugger, isn’t it??!!) It was set up by my husband to encourage me to write. I was excited about this prospect at first but like everything else, I allowed fear to dictate what I did and also, my ADD kicked in. I got bored and along with the fear…I abandoned the idea of ever becoming a writer.

WELL, THAT ENDS TODAY!!!!! (um, why are you shouting??!!)

I think God has been knocking me over the head, lovingly, with a 2×4 to get back to what He has designed me for. To write and make people laugh. So, I have been inspired to take this blog by the…horns?…wait, it doesn’t have horns….keyboard?….monitor??….reins??….Al Gore, the inventor of the interwebs???…the squirrel that runs the wheel in my laptop???…..well, by whatever and start giving the world another sass mouth opinion that it probably really doesn’t need.

I have decided to chronicle my decent into nifty fifty-dom!!! A year’s worth of Misha-isms regarding life, love and the pursuit of everything 80’s….I mean, happiness. (happiness…*snickers*….sorry, inside joke….*falls over laughing). I mean, obviously, I will be interjecting as much 80’s references as I can because…well, I don’t think you’d expect anything less from me.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and read my blog once in a while, you could miss it.